

In January of this year, Imelda travelled to Manila for the upcoming kidney transplant. Thanks to the numerous donations, the operation was successfully carried out on 16 March. Since 10 July, Imelda and her mother have finally been back home. Her joy and gratitude are indescribable, and she would like to thank each and every donor from the bottom of her heart.

For the necessary follow-up examinations, she still has to make the 12-hour journey to Manila. However, she is happy to accept this effort, determined to be able to work as a teacher again next year.

Her mother, the donor, is also doing well under the circumstances, although she is still struggling with back pain.

Once again, thank you very much for your support. You didn't just make surgery possible - you saved a life and gave a family new hope.


Great news from Manila!

After all the tests, there has now been confirmation that Imelda's mother is a "match" as a kidney donor.

Imelda and her family are very happy and send their best wishes to you all! Imelda is very grateful to everyone who donates and thinks of her!

Please spread the word, share and help to collect enough donations to take the next steps.


Imelda introduces herself

Foto: Privat

Hi everyone.

I'm Imelda Cepe Bagacina from Buhi Camarines Sur. 25 years old and I'm a dialysis patient for 3 years and 6 months now.

I met Ate Katja when I study my high school years at Fatima center from year 2011-2015 everytime she visits us in the orphanage.

Around August or September year 2022 my former friends from Fatima Center together with Ate Katja gave me a surprise visit to our house. We had a long talk about my situation and they gave me so much encouragement to still pursue and have faith. Later on I messaged Ate Katja to thank her because a friend from Fatima center sent me money to help me for my dialysis. And according to her it's from Ate Katja.

Since then she has been helping me for my dialysis treatment. She also visited me again last March 2023 with her companions. I met through her Anna, Sarah, Bjorn, Selina and Renate. I also met Ma'am Stephanie who is helping me through her yoga classes.

Today January 21, 2024 I'm just working on  a video to ask for your help and support to fund my kidney transplant journey to be possible. We will be going to start our work up on January 25, 2024 in preparation for the kidney transplantation at  National Kidney and Transplant Institute located at Quezon City Philippines.
Work up are series of test for me and my donor before the surgery.

My mother Roselin Bagacina will be my donor. She willingly wanted to gave her one kidney to me. She always told me that she wanted to see me live a normal life again. She wanted her eldest to live comfortably without the dialysis.

I hope you can extend your good heart to help us make this a reality.

Your help can change my life for the better.

I hope you can support us for this donation drive.

Together we can do it.

Thank you and God bless you all.

The dream of leading a normal life.... (Translated from German)

Imelda is a young woman of 25 who lives in the Philippines with her parents and two younger siblings. She is a teacher, but is currently unable to work in her profession as she was diagnosed with chronic kidney failure almost 4 years ago. Her health insurance only covers part of the cost of the necessary medication. The family has to pay for dialysis themselves. Treatment that is paid for almost as a matter of course by health insurance in Germany is difficult to obtain for a person with kidney disease in the Philippines, as the cost of the three dialysis treatments required per week far exceeds the average family income.

When Katja Dienst and Monika Scharfe from Weinbach heard about Imelda's fate in 2022, they were quick to help. A group led by Katja Dienst has been in close contact with the Fatima Center, a children's home in the Philippines, for many years.  Together, the two women began collecting donations as part of the "Help for Imelda" campaign to support the Filipino family and ensure Imelda's medical care. 

As dialysis is not a cure and the time required prevents Imelda from returning to her job, the supporters of the campaign quickly realized that they also wanted to support Imelda financially on her way to a kidney transplant. 

Imelda will receive a kidney from her mother and will have to stay at the hospital in Manila, 10 hours away from her home by bus, for a few months. The total cost of the transplant and follow-up treatment is around 40,000 euros. Every donation, no matter how small, which can be transferred to an account of the Evangelical Resurrection Parish of Gräveneck and Weinbach (see link on the right) and for which donation receipts are also available, will help Imelda to lead an independent life after the transplant. 

Please help us to help Imelda!

Anyone who would like to find out more about "Help for Imelda" or is interested in the monthly "Yoga for Imelda!" yoga classes is welcome to contact Katja and Monika at
